Saint Bernards


BIS-1 Breeder 2022 foto: Bernhardinkoirayhdistys Ry

BIS-2 Breeder 2023 f: Bernhardinkoirayhdistys Ry

Getting known to kennel Jii-Teen

Saint Bernards My first Saint Bernard dogs were FIN CH Bontus, Kivipolun Niilo and FIN CH Isontassun Lilliputti (in foto left).

Kennel Jii-Teen was established in 1987. Kennel is located in southern Finland. I have made only few litters during these years because the most important thing with my dogs is health and it is hard to get a big and healthy dog for the breeding program. What's also important to me is to find good homes to my puppies. Homes where everyone truly loves Saint Bernards.

The first litter was born in 1991. Mother was Pentus Issoirre Morette (HD B-D) from Sweden and father was FIN CH Helsinki winner-92 Artax von Schümmerich (HD B) from Germany. There were seven puppies and that's how the breeding in my kennel began. Two of the males were certicated in shows: Jii-Teen Apollo (HD D) and Jii-Teen Arnold (HD D).

Next litter was born in 1994. The female was FIN&LV CH Jii-Teen Amore (HD A), daughter of Artax and Issoirre Morette, and the male was FIN&EST&S CH Helsinki winner-94 Astor Holzfluh (HD A) from Switzerland. From that litter Jii-Teen Bastorska went to Cyprus and Jii-Teen Betolux (HD B/0) become Finnish champion. Jii-Teen Bastori Bontus (HD D) got one certification.

In 1994 C-litter of Jii-Teen was born. The other was Pentus Issoirre Morette. The sire was Mat-Saint Frank Higginson (HD A) (half brother to Artax). There were born only two puppies: Jii-Teen Cerubi (HD A-B) and Jii-Teen Cupido (HD A). Cerubi was a great film star, like her great grandmother INT&NORD CH W-85-86-88 NORDW-86 Skogstjärn's Arima-Atic was and the girl Jii-Teen Cupido (Donna) became C.I.B. FIN&EST&S CH WORLD WINNER 1998 (the first shorthaired saint bernard which is born in Finland) HELSINKI WINNER 1999-2000 and BALTIC WINNER 2000.

In 1995 Morette got her last litter. I wanted to use Mat-Saint Frank Higginson again. There were 8 puppies, 6 males and 2 females, all shorthaired. One of the males went to Estonia to kennel Axberna, owned by Katrin and Ülo Rähn. This dog Jii-Teen Delta Kasi Kasi became EST V CH LV CH and ESTONIAN WINNER 98. This male is father for many champions.  From this litter the following dogs have got certifications: Jii-Teen Dolce Vita (HD C) became Finnish champion, Jii-Teen Donna de Lux and Jii-Teen Dollari got certications twice and Jii-Teen Donatello got one certification.

In 1995 Amore got the second litter with the male Jii-Teen Cerubi. There was only five puppies and I left my home two of them: FIN CH Jii-Teen Ellinoora (HD A/2), which did live with Hanna Ström and which was Best shorthaired Saint in our Club Show in 2001. C.I.B. FIN&EST&RUS CH Jii-Teen Elite (HD B-C) was Best of Opposite in our Club Show in 1997, when he was only 17 months old.

In 1998 I had two litters. The mother in my H-litter was FIN CH Jii-Teen Ellinoora and the male was FIN&EST CH Pit v. Merlotreu (HD A/0) from Switzerland. I was happy tha I can use a male from the home country of this breed.FIN CH Jii-Teen Hermanni (longhaired, HD B/2) did live with my friends Arja and Esko Tervakorpi (kennel Tervaleijonan). He has got several beautiful puppies.  Jii-Teen Herra Huu (shorthaired, HD A/2) has got one certification.

Jii-Teen Cupido and Nadax du St Grand Bernard (HD B) got 10 puppies. Jii-Teen Goldenpatrick went to Estonia to Katrin and Ülo and it has several puppies there. This dog was Best of Breed in their special club show in 2000. Jii-Teen Goldenblack (HD A/0), Jii-Teen Goldenfigur (HD A/0) and Jii-Teen Goldensun (HD D) have got certifications.

In May 2002 I got a Saint Bernard from Estonia: EE JUN CH EE&FI CH Axberna Ozzy Osborne (A/0). Ossi is a grandson to Jii-Teen Delta Kasi Kasi. In the beginning of the next year I bought NORD V-05 Bijou v. d. Burggravehoeve (D/0) from Belgium.

The newcomers of my kennel were in September 2004 Pocahontas van de Elizieeshof "Poca" ja Precious van de Elizieeshof "Pertti". Poca and Pertti were sister and brother. They were born on 28th of July in 2004 in the Netherlands. Their father is Ulli von Wingert and mother Jermey van de Elizieeshof.

In February 2006 saw the J-litter of Jii-Teen the daylight - 5 males and 2 females. WUSB JUN SG-07 Jii-Teen Jippyy and Juippi stayed at home. Jii-Teen Juliaana did live with Jii-Teen Ellinoora and Hanna Ström. Jii-Teen Jasmina went to Belgium to kennel van de Burggravehoeve. 

In August 2006 we got a shorthaired male from Belgium FI CH Farao v. d. Burggravehoeve after Duke van de Burggravehoeve. The mother was Bernmont Xannah  from the famous kennel In Great Britain. 

In summer of 2007 I got shorthaired female puppy from vom Hellenstein kennel (German). I hope that some day I could make with C.I.B. FI&NO&EE CH Orhidee von Hellenstein and my males something good for this breed. I was so happy about my beautiful lady. Thanks to Sari this girl was C.I.B. 2 years old. It was a big loss that we lost her so young.

In 2008 C.I.B. FI&EE CH Hera v. d. Burggravehoeve came to our house. Her mother is Jii-Teen Jasmina who lives in kennel van de Burggravehoeve and her father is Kenmillix Esteban from England. This lady was so big person in our kennel. Fortunately she cannot give any puppy for us.

In 2009 we have only one litter Jii-Teen R-litter (Jii-Teen Juliaana, shorthaired HD A ED 0 and Asterix,
shorthaired HD C ED 0). Jii-Teen Riitu did stay in kennel.

In 2010 we have got two new Saints Axberna Kreeta and JT Maya v.d.Burggravehoeve. 

In 2011 I did got two new members from kennel Barrygårdin (B.Catinka and B.Cassu HD A/A ED 0/1) after FI CH Barrygårdin Bianca (shorthaired HD A/A ED 0/0) and FI< CH Farao v.d.Burggravehoeve (shorthaired HD D/C ED 0/0).

In 2012 in B.Cassu was the best junior male in WUSB show 2012 in Mlada Boleslav in Czech Republic.

2013 our kennel got 2 litter - YS litter after Jii-Teen Rinsessa and C.I.B. FI&LT&EE CH BALT JUN CH Barrygårdin Cassu and XO litter after JTmaya v d Burggravehoeve and FI CH Axberna Hieronimo.

Also we got new imports from Norway kennel Mammutz Love (Mammutz Love Fenix&Giant Gemstone) and from Estonia kennel Axberna (Axberna Raimond). Fenix was WUSB junior winner 2015 in Helsinki and BIS-2  in special show in Estland.

In 2016 we got a longhaired Kalnu Sniegs Lord Loid from Santa Ufere in Latvian. His parents are Irmo vom Malinvern and Kalnu Sniegs Icona.  In same year we have got Jii-Teen Yaminta Shako back from Belgium. I August our big lady did got 4 puppies. Jii-Teen Abbess Abu and Abbot did stay at home. 

In 2017 our male from litter R Jii-Teen Rekku did got puppies with lovely Supermassun Lily-of-The-Valley.  There was one female puppy like our Jii-Teen Juliaana. So this girl Supermassun Stella Polaris did move to Hanna. And I do hope that some day I have got a female after this lady. I did also buy a female puppy from kennel Mama's Bear.  I have luck to choose the first female from this litter. Mama's Bear Absolute Abundantia (one big Roman goddess).

In 2018 I have been waiting since 2014 female pup after Backmeadows Bacchus. 12th of October she did born. Backmeadows Dione longhaired female moved to our kennel.

In 2019 is full of hope. Supermassun Stella Polaris became EE JUN CH and her HD was A/A and ED 0/0. So we can make plans and we did mate it with our Barrygårdin Cassu.  So we have 3 new puppies after Stella Polaris and Cassu - Herttua longhaired male, Herbert von Humbert shorthaired male and Harmonie shorthaired female. After these puppies we mated "Hope" Mama's Bear Absolute Abundantia with Anton aus Guten Händen. Hope did got 11 female puppies in September. Fron this litter we keep 3 females.  Also our "Papu" Jii-Teen Abbess Abu got one female pup after Augusto do Ferrador. So in future we will have some good ladies to our breeding.

In 2020 we have L-litter after Backmeadow's Dione and Jii-Teen Urho Kaleva. There were 6 females and 6 males. Jii-Teen Lassi-Pekka is go-owned with family Tenhunen. Jii-Teen Lorenza is livinng with Family Ek in Sipoo. Jii-Teen Luciana did move back home and stay there. 

2021 Best in Show Breeder 2 in the Special Show of Finnish Saint Bernard Club, also our Jii-Teen Luciana was BIS-1-JUN and our Barrycårdin Cassu was BIS-1-VET. In this year we have only one litter of Saints our R-litter was 15 of November.

in 2022 we got five puppies after Supermassun Stella Polaris and Kalnu Snieg Lord Loid.  

In 2024 we have one litter after Jii-Teen Ruth Ristalli and Matteo del Piccolo Paradiso. I kept two puppies in my kennel Jii-Teen Mariska Morette and Jii-Teen Mercury Monterey.

I have shown a couple times our breeding group.  I have also luck with them in several special shows. Maybe the biggest  success in 1995 in WUSB show in Tuusula and in 1998 in World Winner show in Helsinki.

1995 Best in Show Breeder in WUSB Show in Finland
1998 Best group of Breed World Winner Show in Finland
1999 Best in Show Breeder 3 in Nurmijärvi
1999 Best group of Breed in Tuusula
2000 Best in Show Breeder in Tarto Estonia
2007 Best in Show Breeder in The Special Show of Finnish Saint Bernard Club
2008 Breeder HP/2 in The Special Show of Finnish Saint Bernard Club
2010 Breeder 2 in The Special Show of Finnish Saint Bernard Club
2012 Best in Show Breeder 2 in The Special Show of Finnish Saint Bernard Club
2013 Best in Show 1 in The Special Show of Estonian Saint Bernard Club
2014 Riihimäki 1
2014 Breeder HP/2 in The Special Show of Finnish Saint Bernard Club

2021 Best in Show Breeder 2 in the Special Show of Finnish Saint Bernard Club.

2022 Best in Show Breeder 1 in the Special Show of Finnish Saint Bernard Club. 

BIS-2 Jii-Teen Geneve

BIS-2 Puppy Jii-Teen Ruth Ristalli

2023 Best in Show Breeder 2 & Best head of the Show Jii-Teen Ruth Ristalli in the Special Show of Finnish Saint Bernard Club.

2024 Best in Show Breeder 2 in the Special Show of Finnish Saint Bernrad Club.

One time I have shown the breeding group from Pentus Issoirre Morette and it was Best in Show 1999 in Nurmijärvi.

In 2019 in the Special Show of Estland we have

BIS Mama's Bear Absolute Abundantia

BIS-VET Barrygårdin Cassu

BIS-PUPPY Backmeadow's Dione

Finally I do hope that in future the Saints from our kennel will be healthy and have good caracter which is so important for this breed.

Welcome to our kennel!
